Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Great and Holy Saturday morning

Here are some more personal recollections, this time from the small or "first" Resurrection service. It was a full but not crowded church with light streaming in. Near the end of the reading of the many prophecies is the Song of the Three Holy Youths in the Burning Fiery Furnace. The responses were sung by a children's choir (ages 3 to 12) in front of the Plaschanitsa in alternation with the adult choir. The children were so earnest - very cute and very tender. Later, Father Christopher came swiftly out of the Royal Doors (Beautiful Gates) throwing rose petals. Immediately girls removed all the dark purple and black coverings in the whole church and replaced them with shining white. I took off my black scarf because I had hidden a white one beneath it. Later, people received the Holy Mysteries in front of the Tomb rather than as usual from the ambon near the iconostas. At the end the joyous peal of the Russian bells came in through the windows. In trapeza, although we were still fasting, a few families had their Pascha baskets blessed in anticipation of the midnight service yet to come. ---- A Worley, 22 April 09

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Here are some personal impressions from Great and Holy Friday evening at St. John Chrysostom's in St. Louis. Picture a darkened church, with the entire congregation in dark clothing, holding candles while standing around the plaschanitsa (epitaphion). Everyone is singing the Lamentations together. When we go outside for the procession, suddenly I am transported to Jordanville. It was there last year at our dear Vladyka Metropolitan Laurus' funeral procession that I first heard the bells sounding broken - the funeral peal. That same peal, five days ago now, accompanied us around the church, as we slowly chanted the "Svyati Boge" until we reentered the church, passing under the bier. Following our Savior, we too enter life only through death. ----- A Worley, April 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009

Travel to St. Louis for Pascha

Our mission will not be having services for Pascha this week, on April 17, 18 and 19, so that members of the mission can attend the Friday evening Plaschanitsa procession, Saturday morning small Resurrection with change of vestments, and the midnight Sunday Paschal procession, Matins and Divine Liturgy at St. John Chrysostom Russian Orthodox Church and/or St. Basil's ROC, both in the St. Louis area.

We pray that everyone has safe travel and a bright Feast of the Lord's Resurrection, and we hope to see you at Holy Protection after Pascha!

"This chosen Day is the first of the Sabbaths
The Queen and Lady
The Feast of feasts and Festival of festivals
Wherein we bless Christ unto the ages."
(Irmos, ode VIII of the Canon of Pascha)