Monday, December 17, 2007

Feast of Saint Nicholas

We will have services for the Feast of Saint Nicholas on Tuesday evening, December 18, starting at 6:00 p.m.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Feast of the Entry of the Theotokos into the Temple

We will have Vigil at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, December 3, for the Feast of the Entry of the Theotokos into the Temple.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

No Services at Holy Protection This Weekend

Because people are away this weekend to attend the Russian Orthodox Church Musicians' conference in Seattle, and others will be out of town elsewhere, there will be no services at Holy Protection Orthodox Church this weekend (October 6-7).

Services will resume next weekend.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Father John Whiteford's visit

It was wonderful to have Father John here to serve the Divine Liturgy, and we are very grateful to him for making the trip from Houston and to Fr. Christopher for blessing it. We were able to have our altar set up behind the iconostas for the first time and to receive the Holy Mysteries.

Fr. John also preached a sermon on the patient and prayerful endurance of Sts. Joachim and Anna, and how God sent, instead of barrenness, a child who was to become the Theotokos. He likewise urged worshippers to pray patiently and to work for a thriving Russian Orthodox presence here in the KC area.

Holy Cross, St. John Chrysostom Symposium

Greetings with the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross! Also on this day 1600 years ago reposed St. John Chrysostom. Because of the St. John Chrysostom Symposium this weekend in St. Louis, there will be NO SERVICES AT HOLY PROTECTION this Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 29 and 30. There are still openings for people to attend the Symposium. Driving time is about four and a quarter hours. Regular services at Holy Protection will resume in October.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Divine Liturgy on Saturday, September 22

Father John Whiteford, author of Sola Scriptura and pastor of St. Jonah Orthodox Church near Houston, Texas, will celebrate the Divine Liturgy at Holy Protection Orthodox Church on Saturday morning, September 22. Reader’s Vigil will be sung the evening before (Friday) at 6 p.m. The Divine Liturgy will begin at 9:30 a.m., with confessions and Hours preceding.

We thank Fr. Christopher Stade for his support and blessing for this visit, and we look forward to welcoming Fr. John to the Kansas City area. For more information, please call the mission at (913) 383-8000.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Monday August 27 (Aug. 14 on the Church calendar) we will sing Vigil/Vechernia for the Dormition of the Theotokos, beginning at 6:30 PM.

Apodosis of Transfiguration; St. Tikhon of Zadonsk

Today we celebrated the Leave-Taking of the Holy Transfiguration of Our Savior on Mount Tabor. Also today we celebrated St. Tikhon, who in the mid-1700s persevered and suffered to teach, administer and improve decrepit church conditions in Voronezh. A very good book, St. Tikhon of Zadonsk: Inspirer of Dostoyevsky by Nadejda Gorodetzky, St. Vladimir's Press, includes excerpts of his writing, such as the following on the words of the Lord's Prayer:

"Hallowed be . . ." that is, be glorified. Seek to praise Him. Also hallowed in ourselves by preaching the glory of God and living accordingly; ask for the grace to do so Therefore we begin to understand our frailty. Not to seek glory for ourselves. Not to live against the Word of God.

"Bread." "Daily." All that is indispensable, but not luxury. Not to strive after riches. We confess our poverty; we beg for others too; "our" expresses care and love. God tends the pagans too, but the Christian knows the donor.

"Evil." The devil. Ask to be defended. And at the hour of death. We are delivered in and through prayer. Pray the same for other people. Without sloth, in watchfulness.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Driving to church from the south

If you're driving from the south, it's best to avoid Metcalf Avenue, which has many lights and often a lot of traffic. In addition, for the next few weeks Metcalf is going to be reduced to one lane only after they demolish the bridge over Indian Creek tomorrow. The more convenient routes would be to come north on Quivera, Antioch, Nall or Roe to 95th Street and then take 95th east to Mission, then take Mission north to 91st, where parking is in the rear. See you in church!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Services for Holy Week at Holy Protection Orthodox Church

On Great and Holy Thursday, April 5, the mission of Holy Protection will hold the service of Matins with the Twelve Passion Gospels.

The service will be held in the chapel of the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection (our usual location). The church is located at 9100 Mission Road, in Prairie Village, Kansas.

The service will begin at 7:30 pm.

After this service, because we were unable to have a priest visit our mission this Holy Week, parishioners will attend services elsewhere for the rest of Holy Week and for Pascha.

There will be no services at Holy Protection on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday (April 6-8).

We hope to see you next weekend! Have a joyous Pascha!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Location: We are now meeting for worship in a chapel at the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, a large brick church on the southwest corner of 91st Street and Mission Road in Prairie Village, Kansas. Parking is in the rear, on the west side of the building. People traveling on I-435 would need to take either the State Line Road exit or the Roe exit.

Normal Service Schedule:

Saturday evenings at 6 PM, Vigil (Vespers, Matins, First Hour)

Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM, Third Hour, Sixth Hour, Typika

These are chanted Readers’ Services.

January 2007 - Special Services

Services for The Nativity in the Flesh of Our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ:

Friday January 5 (Dec. 23) 6 PM Vespers & Matins for the Eve of the Nativity

Saturday January 6 (Dec. 24) 3 PM Vespers for the Nativity (8 Old Testament Prophecies)

Saturday January 6 (Dec. 24) 6 PM Great Compline & Matins for the Nativity

Sunday January 7 (Dec. 25) 10:30 AM Hours & Typika with Festal Antiphons

Services for The Holy Theophany of Our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ:

Thursday January 18 (Jan. 5) 4 PM Vespers for the Theophany (13 Old Testament Prophecies)

Thursday January 18 (Jan. 5) 6 PM Great Compline & Matins for the Theophany