Sunday, August 26, 2007

Apodosis of Transfiguration; St. Tikhon of Zadonsk

Today we celebrated the Leave-Taking of the Holy Transfiguration of Our Savior on Mount Tabor. Also today we celebrated St. Tikhon, who in the mid-1700s persevered and suffered to teach, administer and improve decrepit church conditions in Voronezh. A very good book, St. Tikhon of Zadonsk: Inspirer of Dostoyevsky by Nadejda Gorodetzky, St. Vladimir's Press, includes excerpts of his writing, such as the following on the words of the Lord's Prayer:

"Hallowed be . . ." that is, be glorified. Seek to praise Him. Also hallowed in ourselves by preaching the glory of God and living accordingly; ask for the grace to do so Therefore we begin to understand our frailty. Not to seek glory for ourselves. Not to live against the Word of God.

"Bread." "Daily." All that is indispensable, but not luxury. Not to strive after riches. We confess our poverty; we beg for others too; "our" expresses care and love. God tends the pagans too, but the Christian knows the donor.

"Evil." The devil. Ask to be defended. And at the hour of death. We are delivered in and through prayer. Pray the same for other people. Without sloth, in watchfulness.

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