Saturday, February 16, 2008

Resurrection, Publican & Pharisee, Meeting of the Lord

Today, February 4/17, we sing a somewhat rare triple commemoration. Every Sunday celebrates Christ's rising from the dead. In addition,this is the first Sunday of the Lenten Triodion, meditating on Christ's story of the Publican and the Pharisee. We are also in the Afterfeast of the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple, and the sweet simplicity of the Infant Christ, the young Mary and older Joseph, the two young pigeons and the aged Symeon and prophetess Anna, sheds its own soft light.

From the Canons of Matins, Ode IV
O Good One, with a tree Thou didst sweeten the bitter waters of Marah, prefiguring Thine all-precious Cross, which doeth away with the taste of sin.
Though he was rich in virtues, foolish pride brought the Pharisee to poverty; but in the extremity of his need, the Publican was justified through his humility. Let us also gain humility.
Beholding the Word Who is without beginning, the Author of all, borne as a babe in the flesh by the Virgin as on the throne of the cherubim, Symeon marveled and cried out to Him: All things are filled with Thy praise!